Bolt – Ein Hund für alle Fälle: Pelzige Erfolge

Diesen Monat erscheint die Spielumsetzung zum Animationsfilm Bolt - Ein Hund für alle Felle. In diesem Tiel, dreht sich alles um das aufregende Leben des Publikumslieblings und Serienhundes Bolt, der versehentlich vom Filmset in Hollywood nach New York gebracht wird. Dort beginnt seine abenteuerliche Reise zurück zu seiner geliebten Besitzerin Penny. Vorab die zu erreichenden Erfolge.

Party Crasher 10 Points
Completed the final level of Act 1 (Italy)

Welcome to the Jungle 20 Points
Completed the final level of Act 2 (Belize)

Good Comrade 30 Points
Completed the final level of Act 3 (Russia)

Well "Trained" 40 Points
Completed the final level of Act 4 (China)

Beyond Awesome, it's Be-Awesome 100 Points
Completed the final level of Act 5 and the Game (Oceania)

So you think you can hack 15 Points
Completed 5 Bonus Hack Levels

Tame the Mainframe 25 Points
Completed 10 Bonus Hack Levels

Security? What Security? 50 Points
Completed 15 Bonus Hack Levels

Time to increase recruiting 50 Points
250 of Calico's henchmen have been defeated

Biological Enhancement Complete 30 Points
Bolt's health bar maxed out

Atomic Core Critical 30 Points
Bolt's power bar maxed out

Battery Upgrade Complete 30 Points
Penny's gadget bar maxed out

No hack too hidden 35 Points
All bonus hack levels have been found

Give em the ol' one-two, or six 5 Points
Attain a 6 hit combo

Mad Combo Skills 15 Points
Attain a 15 hit combo

Combo Master 50 Points
Attain a 30 hit combo

Sneaky Sneaky 50 Points
Penny completed RAISIN' A RUCKUS or HIDE AND SNEAK without alerting any enemies without using cheats

Hacktacular! 75 Points
Beat a mini-game level without taking damage

Power Overwhelming 5 Points
Bolt successfully defeated 3 different enemies with Super Sonic Bark, Laser Eyes, and Ground Pound

Walking is Boring 5 Points
Penny successfully performed a wheel bar up, sidle, and cable

Secret Achievements

Security Override 15 Points
Penny successfully hacks the system

Lights Out! 25 Points
Destroyed Calico's generators

Watch your step 35 Points
Send 25 Calico henchmen through windows or over cliffs

The Cat didn't come back 45 Points
Calico was utterly defeated

Belly Up 35 Points
Sunk Calico's Warheads

The Dog Pound 35 Points
100 of Calico's henchmen have been defeated by Bolt's Ground Pound

Bolt, Speak! 35 Points
100 of Calico's henchmen have been defeated by Bolt's Sonic Super Bark

Bolt, Stare! 35 Points
100 of Calico's henchmen have been defeated by Bolt's Laser Eyes

Scrap Metal 30 Points
Destroy 7 of Calico's SUVs

Starry Eyed 5 Points
Bolt defeated Starry with a finishing move

Which button is block? 5 Points
Got whipped by a Glovey

Indiscriminate Justice 5 Points
Bolt defeated Proddy with a finishing move

Ruffed Up 5 Points
Bolt defeated Glovey with a finishing move

Ouch! 5 Points
Got hit by an SUV!

This dog doesn't play frisbee 5 Points
Bolt defeated Disky with a finishing move

Bull Whipped! 5 Points
Bolt defeated Bully with a finishing move

Give him the Boot 5 Points
Bolt defeated Stompy with a finishing move
08.01.2009 : Dominik Seif