X-Men Origins Wolverine: Schnittige Erfolge gesichtet
Im Mai ist es endlich soweit, ein Film rund um den Marvelhelden Wolverine kommt in die hiesigen Kinos. Da es fast zu jedem Marvelhelden auch ein Videospiel gibt, darf auch zu X-Men Origins: Wolverine natürlich nicht die nötige Versoftung fehlen. Damit auch Erfolgssammler auf ihre Kosten kommen, können innerhalb des Spiels folgende 50 Achievements freigespielt werden:
Getting Started (10 points)
Killed 100 enemies
A Day's Work (20 points)
Killed 500 enemies
What I Do Best (30 points)
Killed 2000 enemies
You Can't Hide (20 points)
Lunged to 250 enemies
Lunge (10 points)
Lunged to 25 enemies
Pounce (15 points)
Lunged to 100 enemies
Piggy Back Ride (10 points)
Lunged to a W.E.N.D.I.G.0 prototype's back
Quick Killer (10 points)
Quick Killed 1 enemy
Efficient Killer (15 points)
Quick Killed 20 enemies
Perfect Killer (20 points)
Quick Killed 3 enemies in a row
Drop Dead (10 points)
Killed 10 enemies by throwing them off high areas
Apprentice (10 points)
Raised One Combat Reflex to Master Level
Samurai (25 points)
Raised All Combat Reflexes to Master Level
Mutant Lover (15 points)
Raised one Mutagen to level 3
Astonishing (20 points)
Found 1/2 of all Dog Tags in the game
Devil's Brigade (30 points)
Found all Dog Tags in the game
Defensive (10 points)
Performed 1 Counter move
Untouchable (20 points)
Performed 25 Counter moves
Catch! (10 points)
Killed 1 enemy with a reflected projectile
Boomerang (20 points)
Killed 25 enemies with a reflected projectile
Aerial Assault (10 points)
Performed 10 Air Grabs
Ultimate Wolverine (15 points)
Fought 4 W.E.N.D.I.G.0 prototypes at the same time and defeated them at Alkali lake.
Hot Potato (20 points)
Light 20 enemies on fire
Shotgun Epic Fail (15 points)
Killed 25 Ghosts with their own weapon
James Howlett (15 points)
Performed a Wolverine to Wolverine Lunge
WoW! (15 points)
You feel cold as you examine the skeleton and read the name "Arthas" etched into the nearby sword
Aerial Master (15 points)
Got 6 enemies airborne at once
Fully Loaded (35 points)
Maxed out all upgrades
Slice n' Dice (15 points)
Killed 6 enemies with a single attack
Found! (15 points)
You found a mysterious hatch!
Slaughter House (15 points)
Dismembered 100 enemies
Blender (25 points)
Killed 200 enemies with Claw Spin
Walking Death (50 points)
Beat the game on Hard Difficulty
Heightened Senses (20 points)
Killed 200 enemies in Feral Sense
Environmentally Friendly (15 points)
Killed 10 enemies using objects in the environment
Whatever it Takes (20 points)
Killed 30 enemies using objects in the environment
Bloodlust (20 points)
Killed 50 enemies while in Berserker mode
Weapon X (25 points)
Killed 150 enemies while in Berserker mode
The Cake (15 points)
You found the cake, yummy!
Geheime Achievements
Secret Achievement (30 points)
Continue playing to unlock this secret achievement.
Secret Achievement (30 points)
Continue playing to unlock this secret achievement.
Secret Achievement (30 points)
Continue playing to unlock this secret achievement.
Secret Achievement (30 points)
Continue playing to unlock this secret achievement.
Secret Achievement (30 points)
Continue playing to unlock this secret achievement.
Secret Achievement (50 points)
Continue playing to unlock this secret achievement.
Secret Achievement (30 points)
Continue playing to unlock this secret achievement.
Secret Achievement (15 points)
Continue playing to unlock this secret achievement.
Secret Achievement (30 points)
Continue playing to unlock this secret achievement.
Secret Achievement (10 points)
Continue playing to unlock this secret achievement.
Secret Achievement (10 points)
Continue playing to unlock this secret achievement.
Quelle: Xbox360Achievements.org
15.03.2009 : Mirko Burmeister