Just Cause 3: Rico hat einiges drauf! Infos zu den Gameplay-Features in Just Cause 3

Die Wörter "Eintönigkeit" und "Langeweile" werden sich mit dem kommenden Action-Kracher Just Cause 3 nur schwer in Verbindung bringen lassen, soviel steht spätestens nach dem ersten Gameplay-Trailer fest. Auf dem offiziellen Blog zum Titel wurden nun zehn Gameplay-Features näher erläutert, die bereits in dem gestrigen Clip angedeutet wurden. Es wird mitunter möglich sein, Brücken mit C4 zu zerstören, kopfüber an einem Hubschrauber hängend auf die Gegner zu feuern oder auch massive Explosionen auszulösen. Zudem wird die Vegetation zerstörbar sein und Rico wird jede Menge Stunts ausführen können. Mehr zu den besagten Gameplay-Features findet ihr in der nachfolgenden Übersicht:

1. The Wingsuit:
The perfect complement to his trademark parachute and grapple hook, the all-new Wingsuit completes the trifecta of traversal that make Rico the most dynamic action hero in gaming. The Wingsuit allows Rico to swoop across Medici at breakneck speeds, using the grapple to slingshot through tunnels and caves, under bridges and down mountainsides.

2. Multi-tether:
Rico’s grapple has taken a huge step forward, with one of the biggest new features being the ability to tether up to 5 things together in the world, taking the creative destruction that made Just Cause 2 such a success to a whole new level. Tether towers to the ground and haul them down, create car catapults, hang buses from helicopters and use them as battering rams to smash down statues – your imagination really is the only limit

3. MASSIVE Explosions:
When we say massive, we really do mean massive. Medici is a world that’s packed with petrol stations, huge fuel tanks and electrical substations that are just begging to go “boom”, with every explosion potentially triggering another and creating epic chains of destruction.

4. Cascading Destruction:
The new physics-based destruction system in Just Cause 3 means everything breaks, crumbles and falls apart in real-time, according to your actions – nothing is pre-canned. This makes the world as crazy and unpredictable as Rico himself, and means that no two playthroughs of the game will ever be the same.

5. The “Reeled Hang”:
Another of Rico’s new grapple techniques, Rico will adopt this unique position when hooking onto the underside of anything in the world, allowing him to unleash chaos from above, even when upside down!

6. Destructible Vegetation:
Now, even the plants and trees can’t escape Rico’s wrath. Blowing trees to bits with rockets, smashing through fences and vineyards in buses…even the downforce of low flying helicopter rotors will flatten beautiful fields of lavender or sunflowers.

7. Monorail trains:
Yes, that is a monorail train smashing its way through a bus. Monorails are a completely new addition to the Just Cause vehicle mix, bringing with it a wealth of creative opportunities for those who like to take a walk on the wild side.

8. Serious Miniguns:
There’s nothing “mini” about this bullet-spraying behemoth. When wielding this, Rico can carve through just about anything in his path, like a hot knife through butter.

9. Bridge Destruction:
Towers and gas tanks aren’t the only huge structures you can destroy – when your tail is getting too hot, you can now bring down bridges too. Shoot out the struts from below, or lay your unlimited C4 on the asphalt to blast huge holes through the road and send your pursuers crashing down to earth in your wake.

10. Stunting:
Rico can now walk freely across the top of all the vehicles found in Medici, from the wings of planes, the tops of monorail trains to the bonnets and boots of automobiles. This allows him even more freedom, running and grappling from one rooftop to another and performing crazier stunts than ever before.

29.04.2015 : Thomas Brüser