Just Cause 3: Optimierungen für Rico erscheinen noch diese Woche! Patchnotes zum Update 1.02 von Just Cause 3

Es kracht, es knallt und alles fliegt in die Luft bei Just Cause 3. Doch hin und wieder kommt die Performance ins Schwanken oder einige Bugs verhindern das ultimative Actionspektakel. Somit bleibt auch ein Super-Agent wie Rico Rodriguez nicht von notwendigen Updates verschont. Noch in dieser Woche soll für alle Plattformen der Patch 1.02 erscheinen, mit dem vor Allem Ladezeiten verkürzt werden und die Stabilität gewährleistet werden soll. Alle Details der Patchnotes entnehmt ihr weiter unten.

In the 1.02 patch (132.1MB), you can expect:
+ Significantly improved loading times
+ Optimizations to online stats
+ General stability fixes
+ Fixed an issue related to challenges, wherein vehicles sometimes disappeared when starting a challenge
+ Fixed issues related to screen resizing and closing the game window before the game has fully started up [PC ONLY]
To those of you still having issues, rest assured we are working hard to alleviate these, and are listening very closely to everything that’s being said.
While the patch will improve performance on the whole, we’ve listened to some of the other concerns raised about the game and put together a little list of points which might alleviate these issues:

You can skip cutscenes, in fact – all you need to do is hold B on your gamepad, or hit ‘Skip’ from the pause menu.

This isn’t an oversight; it’s very much intended. Our designer’s intent was to encourage you to use Rico’s unique grapple to move around Medici far quicker than his legs would allow, as well as giving you the ability to traverse vertically.

Rico doesn’t hide. Getting him up in the air is our version of the cover mechanic. Rico is far more deadly in the skies, than pinned behind a container on the ground.

While there’s no mini-map to help you liberate bases and towns, you can always bring up your map to help find Chaos objects. When you’re down to the last few objects in any given settlement, an approximate location for these will be displayed on the map.

Just Cause 3 für Xbox One ist bereits erhältlich.
16.12.2015 : Marc Schley