Minecraft Xbox 360 Edition: Erster Patch erscheint heute und bringt zahlreiche Verbesserungen und neue Features

Wie Entwickler 4J Studios via Twitter bekannt gab, erscheint heute das erste Update der Xbox 360-Version von Minecraft. Wer nun auf das bereits für den PC erhältliche Update 1.7.3 hofft, wird leider enttäuscht, der heutige Patch dient lediglich dazu, kleinere Bugs und Probleme zu beheben.

So wird nach dem Update endlich mehr Lehm zur Verfügung stehen, um entsprechende Ziegelsteine herzustellen, auch die Absturz-Problematik in den Ranglisten wurde behoben. Eine vollständige Übersicht aller Features und Bugfixes finden ihr im folgenden Changelog.

Minecraft Xbox 360 - Changelog zum ersten Update:

* Added an autosave, and the ability to turn autosave off, or set it from 15 minutes up to 2 hours in 15 minute steps.
* Split the sensitivity controls into an in-game sensitivity and an in-menu sensitivity.
* Added an Interface Opacity slider in the settings for plasma screen users.
* Added a gamertag display in splitscreen, and the ability to enable/disable it in the settings.
* Added an option in the settings menu to enable/disable in-game hints.
* Added an option in the settings menu to enable/disable tooltips.
* Added a co-ordinate display to the in-game map.
* Added new sections in the How To Play on Multiplayer, Sharing Screenshots, and What's New.
* Added a warning message when attempting to place lava near the spawn area.

* Fix for the leaderboard crash when toggling between filters/leaderboards.
* Fix for server disconnect message appearing when offline or in leaderboards.
* Fix for issue where posting a screenshot to Facebook caused a back out to the main menu.
* Fix for clay generation.
* Fix for 'Awaiting Approval' showing all the time on some signs.
* Various crafting menu fixes.
* Fix for being able to stand on sugarcane.
* Fix for intermittent crash on saving.
* Fix for duplication bug with the furnace and the dispenser.
* Fix for not being able to place water near the spawn area.
* Fix for intermittent problem on entering the Nether putting the player above the Nether world.
* Fix for frame-rate drop around the edge of the world.
* Fix for intermittent problem where some achievements were not being awarded.
* Fix for graphical issue with stairs.
* Fix for issue with enemies spawning inside a house when they shouldn't.
* Fix for Zombie Pigmen not being counted for leaderboard scores.

Minecraft für Xbox 360 ist bereits erhältlich. Mehr Informationen dazu findest Du in unserer Übersicht direkt hier rechts neben dieser News.

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15.06.2012 : Matthias Brems