Dark Souls II: Nieder mit den nervigen Bugs! Update zu Dark Souls II im Anmarsch: Alle Infos!

Zum Hardcore-Rollenspiel Dark Souls II, das seit rund einem Monat für Xbox 360 erhältlich ist, erscheint am morgigen Freitag das Update 1.03. Dieses trägt zwar nicht dazu bei, dass der Titel leichter wird, allerdings behebt die Aktualisierung zahlreiche nervige Bugs im Einzel- und Mehrspielermodus. So wird unter anderem ein Fehler behoben, der bislang dafür sorgte, dass sich eine Tür im Spielabschnitt Drangleic Castle einfach nicht öffnen ließ. Des Weiteren soll das Update dafür sorgen, dass der Controller beim abblocken von Attacken vibriert. Mehr Infos zu den Änderungen des anstehenden Update liefern euch die nachfolgenden Patch Notes:


- Failing to create Multiplayer session no longer disables use of online items, such as White Soapstone.
- Players now receive a small portion of Humanity after successfully assisting in a Multiplayer session instead of regaining full Humanity.
- Starting boss fight with the Looking Glass Knight while summoning other players no longer cancels the summoning process.
- Fixed an issue that prevented some bloodstains, illusions, and messages from being displayed.
- Fixed an issue where “Unable to participate in Multiplayer Session” could constantly appear.
- Fixed some instances where the portrait of the person you were summoning was different than the actual character.
- You will no longer be able to take off Covenant rings while being summoned.
- Fixed an issue that would cause some summoned players to fall through the ground at Earthen Peak.


- Optimized Start Menu and Bonfire Menu performance.
- Trophy icon for “Holder of the Fort” has been fixed.
- Controller now vibrates when blocking an attack


- Bug involving Drangleic Castle door not opening has been fixed.
- Fixed an issue that would cause Souls to be lost upon death with the Ring of Life Protection equipped.
- Fixed an issue that caused some players to fall through elevators while using Binoculars and Magic simultaneously.
- Fixed an issue causing some enemies being hit by arrows at long distances receive 0 damage.
- Fixed an issue preventing the Brotherhood of Blood duels from starting properly.
- Added a message for players that displays after entering the coffin in Things Betwixt
- Fixed an issue where all of the items and objects in an area would reset (Without using a Bonfire Ascetic).
- Fixed an issue that didn’t unlock some items from vendors on 2nd and beyond playthrough.
- Fixed an issue causing the requirements for the Brotherhood of Blood Covenant be 50 too high.
- Licia’s conditions for moving have been optimized.

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10.04.2014 : Thomas Brüser