Star Wars: Battlefront 2: Neues Update nimmt weitere Änderungen am Fortschrittssystem vor

Für den Shooter Star Wars: Battlefront 2 steht nun ein neues Update zum Download bereit, welches weitere Änderungen am Fortschrittssystem vornimmt. Spieler erhalten ab sofort mehr Credits am Ende einer Multiplayer-Runde, vor allem die besten Spieler einer Runde werden zusätzlich belohnt.

Zudem könnt ihr im Arcade Mode nun täglich drei Mal so viele Credits verdienen als zuvor (maximal 1.500 Credits). Die dritte Änderung betrifft die "Login Crates". Dort findet ihr ab sofort mehr Teile fürs Crafting vor.

The end-of-round payout has been increased. This is an area we agree needed to be buffed a bit, especially when it comes to rewarding players for doing well in-game. We're upping the number of Credits you get for a match across the board, and specifically bumping the top players on each team by even more.

Earn 3X more Credits daily in Arcade Mode. It's been made clear that you were hitting the Arcade Mode Credit cap faster than we expected, so we wanted to alleviate that by increasing it to 1500 Credits. While we're still looking into ways to add more content into it the mode in the long-term, we think that this should help in the near-term for those who want rewards for completing the different scenarios.

Daily Login Crates will now provide more crafting parts than before. You'll notice the change right away when you log in. Crafting the Star Cards you want will help make sure you're progressing in the direction you want, and we absolutely wantto empower that. This should help you get where you want to go faster when it comes to crafting and upgrading.
05.12.2017 : Thomas Brüser