Star Wars: Battlefront 2: August-Aktualisierung holt Palpatine und die Ewok-Jagd zurück
Die Verantwortlichen rund um den Shooter Star Wars: Battlefront 2 gaben nun im offiziellen Forum bekannt, dass die August-Aktualisierung nicht nur die Ewok-Jagd, sondern auch auch Palpatine zurück ins Spiel bringt. Hier eine Übersicht aller Änderungen:
- Palpatine has been added back to the game
- Fixed an issue with Palpatine being very overpowered by restricting the angle from which the player could lock on with his lighting ability
- Fixed an issue with Palpatine being able to lock onto targets through walls
- Ewok Hunt has been added back to the game
- Fixed an issue in Ewok Hunt where Stormtroopers were unable to board the shuttle
- Rebalanced stamina for lightsaber heroes
- Fixed an issue in Hero Starfighters on PC where players experienced a short stuttering before being locked on
- Fixed an issue with Extraction where objective markers were misplaced on Kessel and Jabba’s Palace
07.08.2018 : Thomas Brüser